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美国休斯敦大学Y.L. Mo教授学术报告预告
来源:本站 发布日期:2017/05/31 点击量:

美国休斯敦大学Y.L. Mo教授学术报告预告

报告题目:Development of ShellElement for Seismic Performance Evaluation of RC Structures

报告人:Professor Y.L. Mo, Ph.D,Civil Engineering Department,University of Houston, USA.

时间:2017年6月10日 下午14:00-16:00


报告摘要:Reinforcedconcrete (RC) shell structures have been widely used in a variety of modernengineering applications. It is found from the earthquake reconnaissance thatthe RC shell structures, such as nuclear containments, cooling towers and shearwalls are the key elements to resist earthquake disturbances. This researchpresents the development of a finite element analysis (FEA) program to predictthe inelastic behavior of RC shell structures. In the program, a new shellelement, so-called CSMM-based shell element, was developed based on theformulation of the degenerated shell theory with layered approach and takinginto account the Cyclic Softened Membrane Model developed at the University ofHouston. Then it was implemented into a finite element program developmentframework, OpenSees, which was developed at University of California, Berkeley,to develop the FEA program. Several large-scale structural tests were used tovalidate the developed FEA program.

主讲人简介Dr. Y.L.Mo is Professor at the Civil andEnvironmental Engineering Department, University of Houston. He was VisitingProfessor at Stanford University in 1998. He is founder and associate editor oftheChallenge Journal of Structural Mechanics,editorial board member of several other journals, a member of the draftingpanel of the American Concrete Institute design codes, past advisor of theNational Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering and US delegate to theUS-Japan workshops on earthquake engineering. He is the builder and leader ofthe Thomas T.C. Hsu Structural Research Laboratory in Houston. Professor Mo’stechnical interests are smart materials and structures, multi-resolutiondistributed analytical simulations, network analysis, large-scale concretestructure testing and field investigations of the response of complexstructures, on which he has more than 400 research publications, several books orbook chapters and earthquake field mission reports. His google scholar citation, h-index and i10-index are3476, 31 and 71, respectively.He is thewinner of medals for two best papers from the Journal of Concrete Structuresand Materials and theAmerican Society of Civil Engineers.More information athttp://www.cive.uh.edu/faculty/mo
